Five things about which Sam and Daniel agree to disagree, by Random (PG)

Dec 17, 2008 18:29

Rec Category: Sam and Daniel friendship
Pairing: none
Categories: Sam and Daniel friendship, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, gen, episode related, character study
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: randomfreshink
Author's Website: Random's stories at Danielfic
Link: Five things about which Sam and Daniel agree to disagree

Why This Must Be Read: Random treats us to her usual stellar characterization as she gives us five canon incidents about which Sam and Daniel agree to disagree. There's the light humor of the blue dress on Simarka and Daniel's silk pajamas in Summit/Last Stand, the cheerful argument over who made Jack go gray, and the angst of Daniel's ugly words in Need. But best of all, there's the lovely one-up-manship of the last one, which is pure team love at its very finest.

Like all Five Things, this one is short; but you'll find it utterly delightful, and a marvelous read!

(Bonus! Five times Sam fell asleep at work, at the same link.)

Sam has produced graphs that correlate the spread of silver to Daniel's various deaths. Daniel, in turn, filled out her timeline with things Sam's come up with that exploded--sun, ship, more ships, small moon. "At least I only take myself out," he's argued, which is pretty black humor, but what else can you do in their line of work.

friendship: daniel and sam, character study, episode related, gen

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