Rec Category: AU
Pairing: Rodney/Teyla Sheppard/Dex
Categories: AU, slavefic, earthside
Warnings: slavefic, seriously heavy on themes of racism and mysogyny. Racist language you might not be comfortable reading.
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halotolerant Author's Website:
Link: Why This Must Be Read:
From the fic: "A world where Abolition had never happened. Where the Confederacy had won the American Civil War and had respected Nazi racial policy so much as to allow the unrestrained takeover of Europe in the 40s. Here Africa was a farm to breed up stock, and children’s textbooks of Biology were prefaced with a ‘Tree of Existence’ showing the White Man (Homo sapiens) at the pinnacle..."
This fic was difficult to read, Just, wow. This centers around Rodney and Teyla, stuck along with John and Ronon on "Earth" in an alternate reality in which slavery was never abolished, Nazism flourished, and people of color are enslaved by white men in the modern world. Teyla is forced to live as Rodney's slave while they try to find a way out of this reality and back to Atlantis. It's not a comfortable scenario (see warnings), and it's not really a feel good read, for most of the fic. What it is, is incredibly well written, and extremely powerful. It doesn't just touch on the issues presented by Teyla becoming Rodney's slave, or the state of things within the alternate reality--it pulls up questions about Atlantis, about the dynamic between pretty much *everyone* in regards to race and gender and hell, *everything*. I don't know what to say, really. Here's a snippet.
Ronon never said anything about Sheppard’s way of handling the situation, not today, not ever. Perhaps they were making it work, perhaps they fought daily, she couldn’t know. For certain if Ronon had been paired with McKay instead they’d have killed each other by now, and that - supposedly - should make her feel better about it’s consequence; that McKay was now her Master.
When her bus arrived it contained fifty-five or so passengers already, and she had to push just to get standing space. She usually watched from the window as Ronon’s figure disappeared around the corner, but even that was impossible today. The bus smelt of cheap meat, cheap plastic shoes and sharp alcohol. It was like the bars on the planet Geurdo, a place she’d visited in her early days as Leader of Athos and had had to fight her way out of.
She looked around. A long time ago, months before when she had first taken this ride she’d felt a wish to speak, to say “I have seen the stars. I have fought the demons and the men and I have won. Where I come from I was a leader and will be again, and no one called me anything but my name, except in praise of me.”