Next Steps, by Paian (G)

Nov 17, 2008 15:38

Rec Category: Futurefic
Pairing: none
Categories: futurefic, gen, Cassie, Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, Teal'c
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: paian
Author's Website: Enkomion
Link: Next Steps

Why This Must Be Read: This delightful ficlet is just bursting with hope and optimism and sheer joy for the future, as we follow Lieutenant Cassandra Frasier through the wormhole for her first assignment... and she discovers where her old friends have gone, and what they've been doing. You will love this one - for the triumph of team and friendship, Cassie's silent tribute to Janet, and the happiness of seeing the people we love, being what they've always wanted to be. This is futurefic at its best and brightest. Read it and smile.

This is what they wanted the SGC to be, all those years when the SGC had to be a front-line defense installation. This isn't a Delta site or a Gamma site, this is the SGC all over again, their own SGC, set up from the start the way they would have done it if they knew then what they know now.
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