Rec Category: Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter
Pairing: Cam/Sam
Category: smut
Warning: smut
Author on LJ:
jadestrickAuthor's Website: unknown
In Charge Why This Must Be Read: As well as being so. damn. hot. this fic touches on the working relationship between Sam and Cam. It displays their interaction in such a perfect, snarky way that is true to the series and who they both are, as individuals and together. Definitely worth the read.
Preview:"So why didn't you approve it?"
"Because that's what I had to do, Sam!"
"I gave you more than enough evidence that this could help in our fight against the Ori!"
"That's not the point. It's too dangerous a mission and you can't guarantee that it's even gonna work, can you?"
"Since when is the danger of a mission important?"