"Long Road Home" by SG_Wonderland (PG)

Jul 30, 2008 10:40

Rec Category: Daniel Jackson
Character: Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, Bra’tac
Category: episode related, Kheb
Warning: none
Author on LJ:
Author's Website: n/a
Link:    Long Road Home

Why This Must Be Read:

While I’ve focused mostly this month on authors who do an amazing job showing us what Daniel himself is thinking or feeling, I decided for my last rec that it was also important to show how others react to Daniel-and what they wonder about what he’s thinking or feeling.  In “Long Road Home,” Bra’tac gets to spend more time with Doctor Jackson than ever before during the mission to Kheb, and initially finds his approach to the world more than a little puzzling.  With Teal’c as occasional intermediary, Bra’tac and Daniel approach something like understanding, and sg_wonderland does an amazing job carrying all three voices with thoughtfulness and gentle humor.


Dr. Jackson is even more subdued as we depart the temple. O’Neill attempted to initiate conversation but was unsuccessful. Major Carter fared no better so they have wisely given up. Teal’c merely walks silently by his side.

I deliberately slow my tread until we three are far behind, Teal’c and I flanking him on either side. Dr. Jackson finally breaks the silence. “If Jack couldn’t get me to crack, I don’t know why you two think you’ll do any better.”

I smother laughter at his stormy expression. “Dr. Jackson, in many ways, you are worse than a child. I do not hope to ‘crack’ you.”

character: daniel jackson, character: bra'tac, character: teal'c, episode related

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