I Never by Xochiquetzl and Dionysus

Jun 09, 2008 21:59

Rec Category: Jack/Daniel
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Category: Humor
Warning: Slash, Adult, Drinking
Author on LJ:  Not sure about this..

Author's website: Stories listed here on The Alpha Gate
Link: I Never

Why This Must Be Read:  The team plays a drinking game!  Wait, you want more?  Okay, fine.  I found this piece through another ficlet.  I'll be reccing that later, so you can enjoy them one at a time.  This is a very funny piece full of teamy goodness.  The Jack/Daniel smut is just a big tasty cherry on top.  It made me giggle, sigh, and want to play along.  In the interest of full disclosure, I did think there was some slight OCCness.  But they're drunk, so I can handwave it.  It didn't detract from my enjoyment.  I hope you like it too!

humor, pairing: daniel/jack

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