First Lessons, by Redbyrd (G)

Apr 10, 2008 19:30

Rec Category: Bra'tac
Pairing: none
Categories: Bra'tac, Ry'ac, Drey'auc, episode related, character study
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: redbyrd_sgfic
Author's Website: Redbyrd's Stargate Fic
Link: First Lessons

Why This Must Be Read: This engaging story was inspired by discussion at redial_the_gate over the decision to leave Drey'auc and Ry'ac behind in Bloodlines, when Hammond had specifically instructed SG-1 to bring them back to Earth. ...Okay, it was mostly  inspired by my complaint that Ry'ac was more of a plot device than a character. Do you think I'm complaining that I got Redbyrd fic out of it? :)

The story is initially about Ry'ac and his childish understanding of events, and it's a joy to read about Drey'auc's fiery determination and Ry'ac's perception of the Jaffa and the Tau'ri. But as I commented when Redbyrd first wrote this, Bra'tac shamelessly steals the limelight the moment he appears in the fic, as we get a delightful peek at the methods of the man who carefully, skillfully trained Teal'c - not just as a warrior, but as the leader of the rebellion.

First Lessons is nice backstory in a missing scene, written with Redbyrd's usual attention to detail and canon. And it's got great Bra'tac, being awesome as usual. What more could you want?

"But slaves are only humans!"

"Your father's friends are also human," Bra'tac said. "Tau'ri, from the First World. They banished Ra from their world centuries ago, and finally hunted him down and killed him. They now fight against Apophis and the other Goa'uld. Your father has joined them in the hope that one day, all Jaffa will be free."

Bra'tac never called them gods, Ry'ac realized. "That is why he left?" He looked at the gold brand on his forehead, so like Teal'c's. First Prime, as his father had been after him. Bra'tac and his father knew the gods better than any other Jaffa.

"Yes, that and because it is better than being dead," Bra'tac said. "He wished you to learn this about the Goa'uld. So that you can help him, when you are a warrior."

Ry'ac absorbed this. "But will not the gods--the Goa'uld--punish him if he is caught? What if they catch us? They must know--" The gods could see anything they wanted, couldn't they?

"Apophis does not know all," Bra'tac said, "He has devices." Bra'tac touched his staff weapon lightly. "These are tools. A tool does not make one a warrior. A true warrior will fight with sticks, with his hands and his mind. Without their tools, a Goa'uld is weaker than the least Jaffa. Because they do not train, do not strive."

character: ry'ac, character: bra'tac, character study, episode related, character: drey'auc

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