Rec Category: Humor
Pairing: None
Category: Action/Adventure, Crack!fic, SG-1, Team
Warning: IMAGE HEAVY (not particularly dialup friendly)
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website:
"Stargate SG-1 Screw: Episode 2" Why this must be read
(Get your minds out of the gutter! Not that kind of screw!)
Continuing with my month of picfic recs; this is pure and utter crack of the best variety.
Adventures with SG-1 - only SG-1 are made of bits of hardware, and so are all the sets!
This is definitely a labor of love from a dedicated fan, and still fills me with glee every time I come across it.
a leetle preview...
Bonus Crack! Be sure to check out
Episode One, and for extra special awesomesauce there are videos
"Rise of the Guardian" and
"Screw Wars". They may be in Italian, and for some reason have a Star Wars crossover in there and many many boggle worthy sections where I'm not really sure what's going on at all, but if your bandwidth can take it, they're well worth a look, if only for the completely insane and surreal bit with the girl dancing with a goa'uld larvae in the forest...