John Sheppard 101 by K. Hanna Korossy (PG by reccer)

Mar 30, 2008 08:58

Rec Category: John Sheppard & Rodney McKay friendship

Pairing: none
Category: Atlantis, gen
Warning: none
Author on LJ: n/a
Author's Website: Stargate Atlantis Fanfiction by K. Hanna Korossy
Link: John Sheppard 101

Why This Must Be Read: A series of vignettes and short pieces develop Sheppard and McKay's friendship in season one, as they begin feeling each other out. It's very interesting from a season four perspective to get this introspective Rodney POV of a much earlier John and Rodney, still a little unsure of themselves and not quite clear on where they stand with each other. Some of these vignettes are sweetly funny, some are loaded with h/c and others tug at the heartstrings as they trace the development of the friendship from early season one to the Wraith siege.

sga, friendship: john and rodney, gen

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