Title: Not Enough Time
Characters: Samantha & Team
Prompt: Years
Word Count: 1,498
Rating: Work Safe/G
Summary: Samantha is trying to figure out how to get out of the time dilation bubble she created.
Author's Notes: Taken from the years that passed during S10E20
Sam looks at the computer screen. ‘If only one of these simulations would work,’ she thinks. ‘If one worked, we could get off this ship and all these years wouldn't be in vain.’ The screen flashes “failed attempt" across the simulated ship as it explodes again. ‘How many times will I sit here and see this ship, our lifeboat be blown up.’ Her head rest on her hand as she starts the next simulation, another failure. Her eyes close, tired from each failure. Over the years she has watched countless ways of defeat. She’s sick of it now. The years that have gone by have proved that with enough time she can figure out almost anything. And yet, now that she has that time it has proved to be their undoing.