Title: Drawing Straws
aurora_novarumCategory: General; Team friendship
Genre: Missing Scene; Drama; Angst
Characters: Classic SG-1 Team; General Hammond
Summary: How does the team cope when one of their members suddenly acts differently from the man they've known for three years?
Spoilers: anything up to and including Shades of Grey
Rating: Family
Warnings: Minor language
stargatefic, AlphaGate, Heliopolis, Stargatefan, all others please ask, just so I know.
Status: Complete
Author's Notes: Yes, another "Shades of Grey" fic; isn't it a requirement for missing scene authors? LOL. Blame Travelling One and
moonshayde, who separately insisted I write my apparently unusual fanwank on the episode when I mentioned it to them. "Drawing Straws" is dedicated to these two dear fandom friends and awesome authors. Thanks as always to my stalwart beta, Fabrisse.
Disclaimer: Not mine, Sony outbid me. Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM/Sony, Double Secret, Showtime, Gekko Productions, and a host of other people that are not me. No copyright infringement expressed or implied, no money sought or received, and everything is borrowed with respect to the true owners and for entertainment purposes only. Anything not subject to those copyrights remain the property of the author.
Part 1 Part 2(Both link to personal lj).
ETA: Note, that's out of two parts. I don't tend to post WIP, so I forgot to clarify it here. Sorry.