Title: Visitors and Fish
Author: Christi (christim@comcast.net)
Rating: PG-13, because under all that pretension and fabric, they really do have rather wicked senses of humor….
Timeline: It’s an AU. There is no timeline! But it follows my story
A Maneuvering Business, if that counts.
Category: Austen!insanity.
Disclaimer: Judging from what follows, it’s probably a very good thing that these characters don’t belong to me. God only knows what atrocities I’d inflict upon them.
Author’s Note: Okay, so in case you missed it, earlier this year I somehow found myself writing a really crazy story where the SG-1 people kind of went all…period piece on me. And now, apparently, I’m doing it again. I’m not entirely sure that there’s a justification for inflicting more highly ridiculous Austen-ized Stargate fic upon the world. Still, I have to admit that despite its insanity (which I freely admit to), I love Gateshire quite a bit, and writing about it and our characters in such a wacky scenario is horribly addicting. Which is how you all have found yourselves reading this-I simply couldn’t stop myself. So, my apologies.
sjfanfic10 prompt I used for this was, “Using a storage closet for something other than its intended purpose, but not for the standard fandom purpose of clandestine romantic liaisons.” Needless to say, it caused me a bit of worry, seeing as I’ve written not one, but two previous fics centered around the various happenings in storage closets. But apparently, there are some ideas that just never outlive their usefulness in my brain.
familyarchives saved this fic. It was a different (and I think much less generally adorable) story before she let me ramble at her. So, thank you for that, m’dear.
kate98 and
caroly_214 beta’d (and
control_freak80 would have if I was a good, patient person) and they’re lovely for doing it because as you can imagine, beta-reading a story like this is quite the task.
Very silly fic this way....