Title: This Is What It's Like
Rating: T.
Genre: Angst, character study, interpersonal drama, vignettes.
Beta: Left to go to Gleneagle.
Continuity: Plays well with canon.
Prerequisites: Mostly Heroes and Resurrection, but it follows on in the Bead Sutra series, which contains tags for The Tomb, Unnatural Selection, Full Circle, and Fallen as well.
Summary: The infamous wooden beads leave SG-1. Life goes on.
Wordcount: About 4500.
Cassie has never been up in an airplane when she books a one-way ticket for Chattanooga, packs her bags, and collapses onto the edge of her bed, cradling a lab coat to her chest and crying. They're drawn-out tears that don't even bring catharsis, any more, just remind her of what she has to cry about.
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