Title: To Hold Us To Earth
Rating: T.
Genre: Character study/quiet angst.
Beta: I have not pried into matters.
Continuity: Plays well with canon.
Prerequisites: Orientation in Season 6. Tag to Unnatural Selection, spoilers for Unnatural Selection, references with varying degrees of obliqueness to Abyss, Menace, Enemies, and Small Victories.
Summary: Midway through Season 6, Jack makes a rather interesting fashion choice. I examine why.
Wordcount: About 2000.
Jack walks into Daniel's office sometime when Jonas is asleep. They should all be asleep - Jonas and Carter and Hammond and even Teal'c, if you substitute kel'no'reem, and while the Jaffa meditation might not be the same as good, old-fashioned shuteye, it amounts to the same thing in the dark of the night.
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