Title: A Taste
lilyleia78Pairing: Sam/Daniel, Jack (yes, you read that right)
Genre: pwp, voyeurism, het
Warnings: semi-public sex, voyeur!Jack
Word Count: 1452
Summary: Jack walks into something unexpected when he goes to collect Sam from her lab.
Note: Blame
zats_clear for this one. She planted the bunny in my plot farm. It's my first het porn, written for the voyeurism square on my
Kink Bingo Card.
When Jack swung around the doorframe into Carter's lab at stupid o'clock in the morning he expected to find Carter already there. Maybe even still there knowing Carter. It wasn't uncommon to come in and discover his 2IC had never left. At least once a month Jack would stop by the lab to find Carter laid out on her table catching a little nap before the new day officially started.
"But he'd never discovered her laid out like this before..."