Title: Rumor Mill
Author: Cowardly Lion
Medium Comic
Pages 11
genre humor
Rating: PG for innuendo
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Warnings: None
Pairings: None
Spoilers: Set in Season 7, no spoilers beyond that.
Summary: Everyone else seems to know what's up with Colonel O'Neill so there's no way Felger will admit that he's in the dark.
Characters in order of appearance: Simon Coombs, Jay Felger, Chloe, Samantha Carter, General Hammond, Janet Fraiser, Siler, Jonas Quinn, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c and Jack O'Neill.
This is broken into four parts, with no more than three pages per part, to help those readers on dial up. Each part will link to the next and back to the previous to make it easy to navigate.
This link is to my LJ:
Part 1 of Rumor Mlll crossposted