Fandom: Supernatural/SG-1
Title: The Fine Art of the PB&J (1/?)
Author: Maychorian
Characters: Jack O’Neill, Dean Winchester, John Winchester
Category: Crossover, Gen, Humor
Rating: K+/PG
Spoilers: Previous stories in ‘verse
Summary: Dean was only trying to help, but Jack O’Neill has his own way of doing things. The way of the Peanut Butter Zen.
Word Count: 1687
Disclaimer: Pffft. Ownership is overrated, anyway. ::eats her sour grapes::
Author’s Note: Hmm, this crossover series is rather obsessed with food, isn’t it? (For the curious, Jack’s theories in this fic are, indeed, my own.) Part of the
The Fine Art of the PB&J