Massive fic dump

Jul 16, 2008 20:35

I've been lazy lately and haven't posted any of my new stuff to LJ. So...yeah. Big fic spam going on here. XP

Title: Angels Fall First
Author: Lhinneill, aka Stargatefangurl
Summary: Injured and trapped on a hostile planet, it's all they can do to survive. They never give up hope that rescue is coming, but will it arrive in time?
Genre: Action/Adventure/Angst/General/Hurt/Comfort/Friendship
Length: About 2300 words
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairing: Team, Sam/Jack
A/N: I'm honestly rather nervous about this one. It's the first long project I've started on in...a very long time, and it's also not the kind of story I'd usually write. Not to mention the fact that this basic plot has been used a LOT. But I've been avoiding using any ideas that are popular for so long, I've pretty much been defeating myself. So, despite my doubts, here it is. I'd appreciate any and all feedback (constructive crit is always good).

The title comes from a Nightwish song, if you were wondering.

A Headline of Tragedy"

Title: Troublemakers and Their Pens
Author: Lhinneill, aka Stargatefangurl
Summary: For once, it's not just the Colonel's fault.
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Length: About 200 words
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Jack, Teal'c
A/N: Team friendship. 'Nuff said.

Troublemakers and Their Pens

Title: Like Old Times
Author: Lhinneill, aka Stargatefangurl
Summary: "It's good to be back, Carter." Missing scene for The Shroud. SamJack, Oneshot.
Genre: Romance/Friendship/General
Length: Around 300 words
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Jack
A/N: This is a missing scene for The Shroud, written for Ladyireth's Christmas present. If you haven't seen the episode, it might not make much sense by itself.

Like Old Times

Title: Grapes
Author: Lhinneill
Summary: He coughed. “Uh, you look great, Carter.”
Rating: G
Length: 100 words
Category: Humor
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Spoilers: Nope.
A/N: Usually I'm not much for drabble-writing, but this came to me as I was writing something else so I couldn't resist. Written for prompt #88, purple, at fic101. Thanks to so_out_of_ideas for the beta.


rating:g, sam/jack, sam, sam het, friendship, sam humor, romance, h/c, jack humor, team, action, friendship: team, angst, humor, team humor, teal'c humor, team gen, sam/jack romance, het, rating:pg-13, gen, jack het, jack

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