Title: P.S. - You'll Always Be Gallant to Me
evilmissbeckyDisclaimer: Stargate and its characters belong to MGM and Bridge Studios. Many thanks to
rhymer23 and
melodywilde for their beta reading and advice.
Summary: Vala e-mails Sam to keep her up to date on events at the SGC during the year she spends in Atlantis. But sometimes, the real news isn't contained in the actual words at all. Mild spoilers for SGA Season 4 and the Season 5 episode "Search and Rescue" and the SG-1 movies The Ark of Truth and Continuum.
Words: 4400
Characters: Sam, Vala, Cam, Daniel, eventual Sam/Cam and implied Daniel/Vala, and a cameo by two mystery travelers
Rating: PG-13
(Dear Samantha)