Title: 'Tween Weft and Warp
Author: Fig Newton (
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Word Count: ~6,650
Summary: Difficult choices can lead to painful results. Would different pasts offer a better future? In the wake of FIAD, angst and AUs abound as Daniel and Teal'c struggle to find out.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: References to events in COTG, Thor's Hammer, Cor-Ai, Secrets, and Forever in a Day.
Disclaimer: None of them are mine. They all belong to their respective copyright holders.
Author's Note: Written for the
sg1friendathon, for the prompt: Daniel and Teal'c. Forgiveness that can never be accepted.
As always, my thanks to that queen of betas,
'Tween Weft and Warp