Title: Tonight, She is Here
evilmissbeckyRating: PG
Characters: Sam, Cameron, mentions of everyone else, Sam/Cam if you squint
Word Count 2900
Summary: And that leaves Cam. The only one she can still see. Set during the Season 10 episode, The Road Not Taken
The worst part is having no one to talk to. )
Comments 11
And you didn't conveniently let them fall into bed together, um, well literally maybe, but you understand what I mean. I love the end. Very sweet and sad. Nice job!
Great job. :D
Thank you. I really love the AU created in this episode, and poor Cam hurts my heart. I wanted to give him at least one night of something approaching normalcy, and maybe even some happiness.
You really captured the bleakness and frustration of Sam's situation and the core of the relationship of Sam and Cam (even though it's alternate Cam) and just...lovely writing and excellent story!
(so glad you pimped this at twop)
I haven't found very much fic based around this episode, which I think is a shame. I love how bleak this AU is, and how hopeless everything seems...and into it all comes Sam, with her eternal belief that she can make things right and fix what is wrong.
And I love her for it, too.
Thank you very much for writing it.
I love The Road Not Taken. AUs in general fascinate me, and this episode is a great example of exploring a world not so very different from our own. Except for poor, broken Cam, of course.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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