Fic: Leaping Tall Buildings (Davis/Lorne, PG-13)

Jan 25, 2006 19:52

Title: Leaping Tall Buildings

Author: Christi

Rating: I’ll say PG-13 just because um, there is mention of men who sit in bed naked together and kiss and grope a little. But seriously, other than that, there’s not a lot to be pissy about here.

Category: Errr…slashy Paul Davis/Major Lorne sap? And humor, I guess. With angst, too, because I think Davis has great hidden depths of angst waiting to be explored. It’s just randomness, really.

Timeline: Sometime before “Runner”, I suppose. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks of Lorne and Davis meeting sometime around “Descent” and jumping each other on a regular basis since then.

Disclaimer: Not mine, sad though it be.

Author’s Note: My first (and probably only) attempt at the world of slash fanfic, such as it is. Written for my fanfic10 challenge with control_freak80, who kindly included only this one off the wall pairing that she knew I found too pretty to resist (because OMGtehhot!!). I also blatantly stole one of the fic prompts that I wrote for her fanfic10 because, uh, it was too perfect not to? What resulted is perhaps the weirdest piece of fic I’ve ever written-and dude, I’ve written some pretty bizarre stuff. (Jack baking cookies, anyone?) Thanks to control_freak80 for the insta-beta and the sharing of squee.

lorne slash, crossover/sga, atlantis, crossover, slash, lorne, paul davis crossover, paul davis, paul davis slash

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