Title: Four Times Cam and Laura Had Sex (And One Time They Didn't)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
Pairing: Cameron Mitchell/Laura Cadman, Beckett/Cadman
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Avalon, The Pegasus Project, The Return part 1, Sunday
Word Count: 3,813
Summary: Five moments between friends and lovers.
Author's notes: Written for the
sg1sga_ficathon. I had never thought of these two together before, but once I started, I couldn't stop! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope people enjoy it. Despite the title, note the rating -- there's nothing graphic here. Huge thanks to
astrum_presul for the beta! :D
Four Times Cam and Laura Had Sex (And One Time They Didn't) )