Fics: Maybe I Shouldn't Even Bother, What Other People Think

Sep 24, 2007 00:57

Title: Maybe I Shouldn't Bother
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Summary: Vala's moving in, and Daniel's response is... well...
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Daniel/Vala
Length: 120 words
Genres: romance, humor
A/N: Written for

Maybe I Shouldn't Even Bother... )

Title: What Other People Think
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Summary: Some people care about what other people think... Some don't.
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Jack ( season 8)
Length: 150 words
Genres: romance/fluff
A/N: Written for
sg_challenges. Well, the inspiration for the challenge in the first place was the Montgomery Gentry song "What Do Ya Think About That?". And I listened to the song again and went OMG, this song is SO Jack. And so therefore mini S/J fic was born. :)

What Other People Think )

het humor, sam/jack, sam, daniel gen, sam/jack humor, daniel/vala fluff, sam het, sam humor, vala, daniel humor, daniel/vala, daniel het, het romance, daniel, jack humor, drabble, humor, daniel/vala humor, jack gen, sam/jack romance, sam angst, het, sam/jack first time, sam romance, het fluff, vala humor, jack het, jack

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