Title: Drabbles from around the Universe
loozyDisclaimer: I do not, and will not ever, own Stargate or Farscape. Unfortunately. Neither do I own Cameron Mitchell or Vala Mal Doran or the other members of SG-1. I own, though, episodes of SG-1. Haha. Also, not in my possession are John Crichton or Seryn Sun. But I have pretty pictures of them. And episodes. If I was SciFi, Farscape it would still air, and in SG-1, Ben Browder's character would have more to say. But then again, if Farscape was still airing, he would not be in SG-1.
Category: het
Rating: R
Pairing: Cameron/ Carolyn & Cameron/ Vala friendship & team for the SG-1 drabbles; John Crichton/ Aeryn Sun for Farscape;
Spoilers: s9- 10 for Stargate; everything for Farscape
Warnings: none
katiuniverse, sorry it took me so long to get them up... But you know, life was frelling busy... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, I HOPE YOU LIKE 'EM!!!
Feedback: I'd love to hear what you think of them...
Stargate- drabbles