The Hot Or Cold Challenge

Aug 11, 2013 20:30

I'm a day late, but here's the challenge for August!

As you no doubt know, just by looking out your window, we're either in the dead heat of Summer (Northern Hemisphere) or Winter (Southern Hemisphere).  Here's what your challenge is:

Write a story between 250 and 1,000 words centered around the Stargate characters of your choice, in the season that you're 6 months away from.  For instance, if you're freezing your toes off in Sydney, then write about Jack and T'ealc being lost in the midday sun on a jungle planet.  Or if you're in Paris, write about SGA-1 - John, Rodney, Teyla, and Rodney - gating out into the middle of a Winter snowstorm.  Whatever character and whatever fandom - SGA, SG1, or SGU, but it must be in the opposite season you're experiencing right now.

Entries are due Sunday August 25th - 2 weeks from today.  You can post your story in the community, your own journal, or an archive (such as AO3).  Just submit a link to your story below.


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