Title: Minor Characters I: Odd Man Out (9/19)
Fandom: Stargate
Rating: T
Genres: action/adventure
Summary: Everyone knows SG1... but what about the other teams on the roster? Here's one of them. Meet Major Thomas Moore, Captain Laura Greenspan, Lieutenant Maureen Reece and Master Sergeant Simon DeLisle - also known as SG10 - and accompany them on the mission that made them a team.
A/N: Ngh. I honestly didn't remember that I still oweed you all the missing chapters to this one and the other already finished stories, not to mention finishing the one that's still lurking around my hard drive... anyway. Here we go.
PS.: Can it be? LiveJournal finally got back to automatically erasing Word junk code? Can it be?
Odd Man Out 1/19 )
Odd Man Out 2/19 )
Odd Man Out 3/19 )
Odd Man Out 4/19 )
Odd Man Out 5/19 )
Odd Man Out 6/19 )
Odd Man Out 7/19 )
Odd Man Out 8/19 )
Odd Man Out 9/19 )