Title: Five People Who Remember Nine Eleven
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: K+
Genres: gen
Summary: "We all need to know that those attacks did not only kill thousands of Americans, but they also hit the entire world," Dr. Peter Struck said on September 12 2001. What's the world saying today? (five OCs, in Atlantis, on September 11 2011)
A/N: This is a spontaneous Five Things fic that came to me earlier today. I'd like to include trigger warning for this, both for past real world events and for current real world events (that is, stuff that happened this year). I'm a little nervous about this story, seeing as this includes stuff a lot ofpeople are senstive about. If I did it wrong... please tell me so and I'll improve it.
Also, this one isn't betaed because I wanted to post it today. Hope it's still okay.
Five People Who Remember Nine Eleven )