Instructions & Rules
01. All stories must be at least 100 words and a max of 1,000 words. PLEASE use the
Word Count tool as it’s what I use to calculate your word count.
02. You must submit your story by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9th at 5:00PM (EST).
03. You must submit your story via email with all HTML formatting in place. You may choose one of the following methods:
- Attach a .txt file
- Attach a .doc file
- Insert the story in the body of the email
TAGS to the END of EVERY paragraph AND dialogue sentence!
04. If you want to use your SKIP, fill out the info found
here BEFORE the deadline for the fic.
05. SPELL-CHECKER is your FRIEND! I've seen SO many entries horribly spelled and that could be solved so very easily with spell checker! If you don't have a program that can do it, you can use this
Spell Checking tool.
06. I will confirm receipt of your email and story acceptability (with the reason, which you may fix before the deadline and resubmit if you have time). The email reply will have just one word usually, "confirmed".
07. You must submit your OWN completely and totally NEW work. Stories written previously or by or with someone else will result automatic removal from the community.
08. You must not submit work to a beta for any reason prior to submission.
09. Ask any questions you might have in the QUESTIONS? post. Please don't hesitate to ask.
10. Email your entry to needtakehave[@]verizon[.]net with the SUBJECT LINE: "stargate_las" // and make SURE to include the following info - DO NOT REMOVE THE HTML TAGS;
Name: (IMPORTANT: Use your LJ username, not your real name -- so I don't have to go looking for whose name matches the email address!)
Story Title:
Rating: (PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)
Warnings: (put any important things such as it containing adult language, incest, rape, explicit sex in it, etc)
Need help trying to rate your entry? Check
here for details!
CHALLENGE 11: The Things We Do For Family
AUs Allowed? - Yes.
Crossovers Allowed? - Yes.