Round 7: Rules & Info

Nov 01, 2009 13:54

This post contains all the information you need to enter your icons.

DON'T FORGET: Try to comment on everyone's entries and leave them positive feedback!

Round 7 Rules:
• Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted. If it is found that you do submit previous work, you will be disqualified from the next challenge.
• All work must be your own, not someone elses.
• Make sure all images are PG rated. Meaning no nudity, etc.
• Icons must fit the livejournal standard, under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif, or .jpg file format.
• When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not a banner, and a link to the icon post/or lj-cut to your journal.
• Post the completed icons at once
• The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons. 1. I need to be able to see your entries to post voting and 2. so people don't have to join to view your icons. (If they do join, it's a perk for you)
• ALL entries are moderated, which means that I have to accept the entyry before it's made visible to the public.
• Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. (of course, you can change the colors of the table)
• TAG YOUR ENTRIES as the following: round #, entires: round #, user: (username), character: (character)
ie: round #, entries: round #, user: wickedvengeance, character: jack o'neill
• DO add a subject. FORMAT AS: Round # - your character
• Completed 20 are due NOV 20.

A list of participants can be found HERE.

• 10 Themes - Blend*, Winner, Confused, Interview*, Shape*, Past, Alone, Tiny Text, "My" Mood*, Coloring*
• 5 Category - Negative Space*
• 5 Artist's Choice.

*Blend: You must blend two images to make this icon.
*Interview: Your actor doing an interview, preferably for the show.
*Shape: Icon must be something other than square shape, preferably not rectangular either.
*"My" Mood: The icon must portray your mood at the time you are making the icon.
*Coloring: The only thing you are allowed to do to this theme is change the coloring. No textures, text, etc.
*Negative Space: The icon is to focus on your subject by making the surrounding area general instead of interesting. A good tut can be found HERE


all by wickedvengeance

If you have any questions regarding any of the themes or category, please feel free to ask in a comment to this post! :)

Please do not change the table order, you may change the colors but not where each theme is. Thank you!

PastAloneTiny Text"My" MoodColoring

5 CATEGORY - Negative Space

# 01# 02# 03# 04# 05


Arist's Choice #1Arist's Choice #2Arist's Choice #3Arist's Choice #4Arist's Choice #5

round 07