Jan 08, 2012 16:08
Hi, all. I know the subject line is a bit awkward, sorry about that; this is what I've been searching for with very little success so far:
I'm interested in crossovers/tags/missing scenes related to:
> SGA episodes 3.10 & 3.11 (The Return I & II),
> SGA episodes 5.10 (First Contact) and 5.11 (The Lost Tribe)
that have Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill (+/- the rest of SG-1), and deal with the events that happend in those episodes (to Daniel and Jack, respectively).
I've looked around and found nearly zip, but as I don't visit LJ and DW (or AO3 for that matter) regularly thanks to the non-existing free time, I might've missed some fics.
Gen or slash; AU, angst, drama, h/c, ...; short, long... whatever. As long as it's not an abandoned WIP - bring 'em on!
Sending virtual cookies in exchange for the information :) Thanks in advance!
+gen: jack & daniel,
#category: episode-based,
^slash: jack/daniel,
~crossover: stargate