xover fic, chapter 6

Oct 16, 2009 10:19

I appreciate you reminding me of this, Vana! Had too much on my plate recently, so I've been putting off incorporating Sal's suggestions into my story. Thanks again for the beta, hon, I hope you like what I've done with the end of this chapter.

Will try to update more regularly, and to finish the story. Still stuck at chapter 11...

“We were beginning to wonder if you’d show up to kiss us good-bye,” Dean greeted Sheppard when the Atlantis CO, accompanied by Mr. Woolsey, walked into the gateroom the next morning. Lorne couldn’t suppress a smile.

“We were in a meeting with Dr. McKay,” Woolsey said stiffly, while John’s eyes went to the bruise on Dean’s face. “What happened to you?”

“Spent the evening with Ronon,” Dean replied.

John smirked. “No need to explain. If that’s all you’ve got to show for a sparring session with him, you‘re either pretty good, or he let you off lightly.”

“I’m that good,” Dean cocked an eyebrow in the Colonel’s direction. “Guess you’ve gone a few rounds against him yourself.”

“More often than I care to remember,” Sheppard sighed. “And had my butt kicked every single time. But let’s get back to business. Based on the intel you gave us yesterday, McKay was able to pull more information from the Ancient database. Which gives us a better understanding what you’re up against.”

“Which is?”

“As we suspected, the anti-matter experiments were designed to find a weapon against the Wraith. The computer models sounded promising, so the scientists decided to put their theory to the test. They managed to capture a Wraith…”

“… and shot the thing up with anti-matter, managing to kill off its body but not its soul.” Dean shook his head. “Scientists. Dabbling in stuff they don’t understand and creating havoc along the way. Or in this case, one pissed-off spirit.”

“They were desperate, “ Sheppard explained. “The Ancients were facing total annihilation at the hands of an overwhelming enemy. But it makes perfect sense; the thing is still feeding like a Wraith. It must be following its old instincts.”

Dean shook his head, a slow grin spreading over his features. “Son of a gun. He was right. These things do crop up in the most unexpected ways.” While Sheppard and Woolsey exchanged puzzled looks, the hunter turned around and clapped Lorne on the shoulder. “You just got lucky, man. Take the rest of the day off.”

Evan stared at Dean. “What do you mean?”

“I’m taking Ronon instead.”

“What?” Lorne cast a puzzled look at Sheppard.

“Now wait a minute, that is not your decision to make,” Woolsey said.

“Oh yeah? Watch me, baby. I’m wearing this frigging uniform to avoid questions, and I actually find all these pockets to store stuff in quite handy, but I don’t take orders from you or anybody else as far as this gig’s concerned. Now, we agreed that I go in with only one other man to back me up due to the risks involved. Lorne here was the first at the scene so he was the obvious choice. But now I know that we’re up against a disembodied Wraith, and you have a resident expert here who knows those suckers inside and out. So Ronon’s coming with me. End of story.”

For a moment Woolsey was dumb struck by the sheer power and authority that flashed from those incredibly green eyes. Then he heard Sheppard’s voice.

“I must say he’s got a point there, Sir.”

Looking from the hunter to the Colonel, Woolsey was torn between bowing to their operational expertise and reasserting his own authority. His train of reasoning was interrupted by a deep voice behind him.

“I’m ready.”

Turning around he saw Ronon, fully equipped for a mission. The Satedan walked over to stand next to Dean, and the two of them shared a brief look and a quick nod. Then they turned towards Woolsey.

No futher arguments were necessary. Everybody in the gateroom felt the unspoken connection between the hunter and the former runner. As different as they were on the outside, they shared something primal, an almost feral quality, that made them a natural team.

Unwilling to give up just yet, Woolsey said, “I still feel a military presence during this operation would be…”

“Oh, absolutely,” Dean interrupted him, “since ghost hunting is such an integral part of their job description.”

Dean’s flippant mask was back in place. But Woolsey had caught a glimpse of what lay behind it, and he could not deny a feeling of respect towards the young man.

Sheppard had a hard time keeping a smirk off his face, but he knew it would have been counter productive. Instead, he added, “Given that Ronon is a member of my team, sir, I would say he as good as qualifies on that count.”

Woolsey realized that there was only one way for him to go, if he did not want to come across as stubborn and unreasonable. Clearing his throat, he addressed Lorne. “You may stand down, Major. I cannot deny that killing Wraith is second nature to Ronon. He’s the logical choice.”

dean winchester, ronon dex, supernatural, crossover fic, sga

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