Without being a proper Ronon/Amelia Banks shipper, she's finally the kind of female character I needed for a songfic that's been spooking around in my head since the summer holidays. On the drive home my sister put in a Bob Seger CD, and I got (re-)hooked on the song 'Shame on the Moon'.
So here is the beginning. Not beta'ed, so any mistakes are mine alone. Can't say how fast the updates will come, but I'm curious myself how this is gonna play out. So hopefully I'll find enough time to keep this rolling. Feedback would be great, if only to tell me I'm going in the right direction with this.
Disclaimer I don't own any of the characters or settings of Stargate, I just use them for my own (and hopefully others) enjoyment. There are no financial interests involved.
Title: Blame it on Midnight
Author: starg8fans
Genre: Songfic
Rating: G for now, M for later chapters (yes, there will be smut!)
Warnings: minor spoilers for Prodigal
Until you’ve been beside a man
you don’t know what he wants.
You don’t know if he cries at night,
you don’t know if he don’t.
When nothing comes easy
old nightmares are real.
Until you’ve been beside a man
you don’t know how he feels.
(Bob Seger, ‘Shame on the moon’)
Blame it on Midnight
(Tag to ‘Prodigal’)
“Amelia!” Jennifer Keller called out as she saw the gate tech hobbling into the infirmary. “What happened?”
Amelia pulled a face. “Would you believe it if I said I slipped in the shower?”
Jennifer smiled. “Sounds rathe cliché, doesn’t it?”
The young woman sighed. “The truth is worse. I stepped on a pen that was lying on the floor, my feet went out from under me, and I fell right on my hip.” She shook her head. “Can you believe it? I just came unscathed through an assault on Atlantis, including going a round against a mutant hybrid, and now this.”
The doctor motioned for her patient to lie down on the scanner bed.
“Let’s see how much damage this mutant pen has inflicted on you.”
“Good news, bad news,” Jennifer announced as she returned from her analysis of the scans. “Nothing broken or torn, but quite a nasty bruise that will take some time to heal.”
“Oh, that’s alright then,” Amelia answered, sitting up on the bed where she’d been resting while waiting for her results. “It’s not as if my job requires me to be on my feet a lot - I mean unless we get overrun by hybrids.”
“Forget it,” the doctor replied. “You’re not going back to regular duties yet. On the contrary, I will prescribe a visit to a spa for you to speed up the healing process.”
“A spa?” The young tech looked doubtful. “You’re not thinking of sending me back to Earth, are you?”
Jennifer smiled. “No. But on a recent recon mission Major Lorne and his team found an abandoned site that appears to have been some kind of healing facility. There are several structures - more or less intact - around a pool that is filled from a thermal spring. I had the water analyzed, and found a combination of very unusual minerals and other trace elements in it. From inscriptions on site we learned that this mixture supposedly does wonders for any type of physical trauma.” She patted the other woman’s shoulder. “You and Ronon will be the first two people to try this out for me.”
“Ronon?” Amelia exclaimed.
“Yes. He has recovered sufficiently from his concussion to travel, but his back and shoulder are still severely bruised. Not to mention the cracked ribs.” Casting an appraising glance at the other woman's expression, the doctor continued, “Why - is there a problem?”
“Well, a break at a spa sounds lovely - but with Ronon? Mr. Testosterone himself?” Amelia scowled. “I’ve had dealings with his type before. And I vowed I’d stay away from silent machos. For good.”
“Hmm,” Jennifer replied, somewhat taken aback by Amelia’s outburst. “I’m sorry that you were hurt at some point. But to be honest, I am really counting on the two of you going there together. This way I can compare the well’s effects on both the male and the female physiology. There may be additional benefits that I cannot even fathom yet. So I would be really grateful if you agreed to this.”
For a while Amelia said nothing, staring intently at the floor. A face had appeared unbidden before her inner eye. A handsome face, crowned by a shock of reddish brown curls. She could hear his mocking voice, and saw the blue eyes harden in anger… With an effort she chased the memory away and looked up into Doc Keller’s eyes. “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do it. But he better not try anything funny. Or I’ll give him some more bruises to heal.”