So today was quite super. A little tiring, but pretty cool too!
Ummm we had Gatsby presentations today, and I was in a group with Asia, Priya, and Schulman. We researched about music and dance of the Roaring 20's. So we ended up singing "Can't Help Lovin Dat Man" and Schulman played tenor sax. It was really funny because me, Asia, and Priya all went to go change into pretty dresses (I LOVE IT PRI!), and then when we came back into the classroom, everyone kinda looked at us funny. It was a pretty good performance though!
Stat test = fairly well. Nuff said.
Clar lesson! SUPER! Yay for another Weber piece! ^_^
Global Personality Test Results Stability (50%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.
Orderliness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion (84%) very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Testpersonality tests by Lots of work because of the bio test tomorrow!!!!