Sort-of Hiatus

Feb 22, 2010 21:06

Hey, guys. Wanted to give you the heads-up that I won’t be around much for the next few weeks. Said pseudo-hiatus is for a number of reasons, and while I’d like to be able to spout some Zen crap about “refocusing my energies” or say it’s some self-denial thing for Lent, it’s honestly because I’ve not been doing what I’m supposed to, and that needs to change.

I’ll still be reading and commenting when I can - leave a message after the metaphorical beep and I’ll get back to you. Hopefully this’ll turn out to be a beneficial thing.

In the meantime, anyone got any good book recs for while I'm offline? I'm going to attempt to get through "A Brief History Of Time" and also "Mere Christianity" which have been on my to-read list forever, but I could probably use some lighter fare in between chapters of metaphysics and the space-time continuum.

Edit: Oh, God, the Writer's Block question for today is hilariously/terribly appropriate. "How long can you go without internet access before breaking into a cold sweat?" HA HA HA VERY FUNNY. NOW STFU. *attempts to wipe away cold sweat*

life, i will survive, teh internetz

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