Your blue room.

Feb 07, 2010 15:46

Okay, so I know that all I do lately is post picspams of stuff, apparently, but please allow mw to continue the trend for a little bit. After nearly half a year of living here, I finally finished re-doing my room and thought I'd document its epic win. I am happy.

Please pardon the crappy lighting -- it is snowing and there's like zero real sunlight. The walls aren't as gray as they look -- more of a periwinkle, actually. I decided to stick with the original room color rather than repaint because 1) I was trying to be as cheap as possible, 2) I don't really have time and 3) it kind of worked out after all.


I especially like the pillow with the birds on the wire. Fun fact about that globe -- everything on it is wrong. After studying it, I noticed that maybe a good third of US cities are either mis-spelled or misplaced -- somehow Atlanta is above Charleston, California is apparently a mountain range, and "Deitrot" is a major city in Michigan. Good lord. also, I am replacing that horrid fake pastic plant with a pot of anthuriums. :D


Apparently that dresser lived in my grandparent's basement for half a century. And behold, gratuitous U2 poster. It is entirely necessary, and also coordinated nicely.


Important things on my dresser. I made the time-travelling-bunny box last week.  And my bookshelf, complete with favorite books, old journals, a nifty lantern-thing, star chart, and a drawing of Bono and Davey Havok courtesy of my insanely talented friend J.

Also, I felt the need to share this mug I made in ceramics, 'cuz it actually came out decently. LOST STAN ALERT. It has the Numbers, a Benry quote, and also a (deformed) airplane on the handle there. And best of all it's actually useable. Mmmm, green tea.



Sorry 'bout all that. Carry on.

picspam, artsy-stuff

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