Hahaha, win.

Jan 27, 2010 21:10

I just got back from a church class called The Gospel According To U2, which is this epic four-week series "exploring God's word, grace and love through the rock&roll of U2", according to my message notes. AWESOME, Y/Y?

It's so cool. It's like literary analysis of the songs I love + really interesting scriptural tie-ins and discussion + some random fannish flailing thrown in for good measure. The group was talking about how much of their music we each knew, and I can't decide if I'm insanely proud or slightly mortified that my stan levels here are over 9000. This one dude who'd gone to like ten of their concerts and I got to chatting about Popmart craziness, and it was awesome. Even my dad, who for some reason has taken it upon himself to diss my favorite band whenever he gets the chance but came along because the rest of the fam was going, admitted this was pretty legit.

I am consequently one very happy fangirl. :D

epic win, music, u2, god

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