(Really, I should be writing more essays. But one of said essays is going to be on Juliet Burke, so this is perhaps justifiable -- )
I don't watch much TV. There are a handful of shows that I'll tune into on a regular basis, but I can go days without glancing at a television screen. I find it almost pointless as a solo activity -- I tend to get frustrated if I'm trying to follow a show but have nobody to discuss/run commetary on it with. I've only been involved in a few TV fandoms, like Stargate SG-1/Atlantis and Doctor Who, and though they're enjoyable, I've never gotten really deeply involved in their fandom-culture.
But then...there's Lost.
tommytonebender so aptly put it, Lost isn't just a show, it's an experience. An experience involving a plane crash on a weird island, yeah, but so much more than that.
There are entire episodes devoted to character studies, and the connections that tie everybody together. There are scientists and wise men and strong women and con artists and murderers and immortals and people looking for a second chance.There are characters that I'm deeply emotionally invested in, probably to a worrisome degree, but it's worth it.
There is legitimate mythology to this. There are struggles between destiny and free will, science and faith. There is the nature of space and time to consider. There are mysteries. There are endless mindf*cks. There is some seriously deep shit to contemplate.
There are also many lulz. There are bad CGI polar bears and submarines, "very big mistakes", and a love trapezoid that's irritating beyond belief. There is a weepy spinal surgeon who's the easiest thingt o poke fun at since the dawn of time, a very pretty fellow's apparent (but completely natural) man-scara, and an antagonist who loves bunnies and bakes his romantc interest a ham as a token of his love. It's not all srs bzns by far.
There is the fandom, which, IMHO, is one of the best, most cracktastic and hilarious out there, and is filled with some of the most charming and talented people I've met.
ontd_lost is one of my favorite lurking zones in the entire intarwebz -- it is like a glorious fountain of capslock, theorizing, flailing and epic win. It's a fiesta, and that's just how we roll. I've had a blast watching this show with my RL friends and my online ones, and it's really just been a great time all around.
...There will also be an ending next year that nobody will see coming. I hope to God it's worthy of all this amazing buildup, 'cuz it's certainly been one heck of a ride. :D
(Here endeth the sermon. I'll get back to work and pray for snow tomorrow.)