This post has no point to it, doo-dah, doo-dah.

Sep 09, 2009 19:46

The above title is much better when sung to the tune of Camptown Races. Trufax.

Some things:

+ Star Wars peeps on my flist (especially you Dookugirls) -- if you haven't read albumsontheside's fantastic Four Things That Were Sadly Inevitable In Qui-Gon Jinn's Apprenticeship yet, do it now. It is the most hilarious, brilliant young!Qui&Dooku thing I've read in months ( Read more... )

pimping, links

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Comments 5

lostsailors September 10 2009, 00:29:19 UTC
Wow, six cases! Even if it's silly, be careful. That flu seems especially virulent with young people. My BF's dad is a doctor and has lost a bunch of young patients, otherwise healthy to it. ; _ ;

AND I LOVE that MLIA site. It's like me... ON THE INTERNET.


starfoozle September 10 2009, 01:35:36 UTC
Oh, I know. There's definitely a part of my brain constantly wailing "plaaaaaaaaague, plaaaaague!" whenever it gets brought up, and I'm washing my hands and sanitizing stuff and being careful, but it's more the mass hysteria it seems to induce that's eyeroll-worthy.



betareject September 10 2009, 01:34:38 UTC
I know this is entirely unrelated but I've already mentioned this one to fialleril because I wasn't sure who mentioned about Kitster having a tea house (if it was you or her)...

Anyways she says it was your idea and so I was wondering if it would be cool with you if I could do a series of ficlets involving the concept of Kitster own a tea house. I've already written one in my notebook but I didn't want to type it up until I knew who to credit etc.

Basically it would be about his experiences with different guests who visited his little tea house and how he learns from them and shares his wisdom in turn.

I would give you credit of course I just wanted to make sure if it was cool with you and such ^^;


starfoozle September 10 2009, 01:39:40 UTC
Oh, dude, knock yourself out! That would be beyond cool! You crtainly don't need to ask for permission -- Kitster's not mine, and the idea was a glancing one at best -- I'm just glad it sparked enough interest to warrant a fic of its own. Please let me know when you put it up, I look forward to that eagerly!


betareject September 10 2009, 12:04:31 UTC
Sweet thanks so much!! I just wasn't sure if you had something in mind yourself or anything so I didn't want to step on toes *blushes* I'll be sure to do that!

Thanks again!


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