I'm back!

May 28, 2007 20:49

So, I've returned from the Road Trip of Unending Insanity in one piece, hurrah!

So, we headed up to Ohio for my uncle's wedding on Thursday. Some of the more interesting things that occurred were:

- We got stuck in the Traffic Jam From Hell. No joke. Two hours into the trip, just after we got into Virginia, we literally had to stop where we were. We ended up parking the car, because nothing was moving. And there we sat, in the heat, for four freakin' hours, the traffic backed up for miles in both directions. And when we finally did move again, and passed what had been holding us up, it was utterly stupid. An RV had stalled just outside a tunnel through the mountains, and they'd finally managed to get it off the road. Urgh. We got in at around midnight because of the delay, but now before we'd gone through almost every CD we'd brought and a bag of White Castle sliders. (I have never experienced the latter before. They are vaguely disgusting wads of greasy meatloaf-hamburgers. I'm not sure if I ever want to experience them again, come to think of it...)

- I went to the first wedding I've ever been to. It was fun, actually, and everyone got dressed up and looked lovely. I spent the better part of the night attempting to dance in high heels (not terribly fun), socializing with assorted relatives (fun), and finally losing the heels and dancing with random people (very fun.)

- I found the complete set of books 1-8 in the JA series at Half-Price Books. I was so close to getting them, but I ran out of money. *mutters* I found a massive book of Ray Bradbury things that I just had to get, as well as a gift for Kallie, so it was a no-go. Ah well. There’s always Christmas. JA books don’t exactly fly off the shelves, and these are fairly well tucked-away, so it’s more than likely that I can retrieve them next time we visit.

- I saw Pirates of the Carribbean 3! Oh, dear, I could devote a post entirely to that movie... It was loud, and long, and utterly silly, but it was great. It's been a while since I've been caught up in a movie that way. It actually did a good job of tying up all the loose ends from the first two movies, which was nice. And I absolutely loved the whole Davy Jones' Locker sequence, with the ship in the desert and the stone crabs and the army of Captain Jacks. And Jack, of course, is the best. What a brilliant character. I think I'll try my hand at writing him, at some point. *grins* But yes. My sister was all distraught  over Pirate!Orlando's fate, which made me laugh a bit. (She won't admit it, but sometimes she's even more fangirly than I am. Well, over Orlando, at any rate.) But overall, it was good. If you haven't seen it, you should.

There's other assorted stuff, but dinner's on. Oh, and, happy birthday, Christopher Lee! He's 85 years old today.  *is fond of him* Now, I'm off to cook, call people and watch that Star Wars thing on the History Channel. :)

lists, trips, birthdays

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