"...and then I was eaten by a whale."

Aug 16, 2008 00:59

 Today I learned how to break into houses.

We're watching our neighbor's dog and said neighbor left the only key on the kitchen counter, so we couldn't let her out or feed her. So I asked the Almighty Internet and learned how to make a bump key and use a flat screwdriver and dentist's pick to open doors. Really, it was all fine and good, and I was feeling confident that I could give it a shot and let the poor dog out to use the bathroom.

And then I found out that my dad had called the locksmith 10 minutes into this process, and they were on the way. *facepalm*

Also, hey there, Stargate Atlantis. Please get out of my brain. I kinda have a novel to finish, mmkay? You can come back later and we'll have cookies, cake, the whole shebang, but I need every available synapse at the moment.

T-minus 23 hours to novel completion. *gets back to work*

novel, metafic

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