New York, New York.

Feb 20, 2008 16:13

 Whoo, I'm back and almost fully recovered from the fiesta of awesome that was our trip to NYC. So, here, have a picspam.

On the way to the hotel in a taxi. Looooook at the brightness. *mesmerized*

Times Square. It's the City of Blinding Lights.

Me, Jessi, Grace and Kerby in the obnoxious Elevator of Stupidity at the hotel. (Por favor, por favor, por favor....)

Jessi is the Great Camera Guru, powered by Starbucks.

Randomness at Virgin Records. We made Lemon, by U2, our official theme song of this trip. I turned 16 while listening to that song on my iPod and sprinting through a ferry terminal at midnight. Somehow the whole thing seemed bizarrely appropriate.

An awesome musical. We somehow managed to snag fourth-row seats at the center, and it was fantastic.

Midnight at the hotel. I wore my Edge beanie almost everywhere. It was late, and we were overtired, overcaffeinated, and overusing the words 'scene' and 'hardcore.'

Giant Bono-poster of awesomeness, oh yeah! For a bunch of Irish guys, U2 seems to be very well-loved in NYC. The Hard Rock Cafe was selling shirts that Bono designed for charity, so of course I had to get one. It is very cute -- white, with a little blue fish design on it. It is also sparkly, which makes me wonder if the Edge had any say in designing it. (Bono: Hmm, this looks a little plain. Got any ideas, Edge? Edge: Yes. BeDazzle it.)

Also, I saw U23D. Ohmygod, ohmygod, so good. Like, the most amazing thing I've seen, ever. I'm pretty sure I melted into a fangirly puddle within the first minute or so. Guuuuhhhhhhhhh. Go see it. I command you.

At the ferry terminal, near midnight. Poor Jessi and I got harassed by a lady hobo who was lurking in the bathroom. We missed the 10.30 ferry by a minute (stupid subway!) and had to wait for another hour before the next one came. And let me tell you, the later it gets, the weirder it gets. *shudders vaguely*

And in conclusion: we are awesome. *grins*

So, yeah, definitely a fantastic trip. I can't wait to go back. I'll post some stuff I wrote there soon, but that's all for now.

I love New York.

picspam, life-things, new york, trips

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