Birthdays and Procrastination.

Feb 18, 2007 17:55

Really, I should be working on my English essay right now, but there are just so many more exciting things to do. I tend to get a little A.D.D. when I'm on the Internet. Always get sidetracked and stuff, and end up checking LJ and TF.N and looking up random words in Google when I should be working.

So, the birthday went well! It's strange, being another year older. Time flies, huh? But, I had a lot of fun. My friends and I roasted marshmallows, ate sugary things, played Apples to Apples and stayed up until 2:30 watching random movies like Step Up. And so now I'm going to go out and waste spend my wonderful gift cards on coffee, books, new CDs and assorted things from Le Target. *nods happily*

I just entered a challenge on the boards, which was to write a fic using four or more lines from a certain poem. I got Tell All the Truth, But Tell it Slant by Emily Dickenson.

Tell all the Truth, but tell it slant -
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind

*nods* A good poem, but what's with that woman and her capital-letter fixation? Ah well. Anyways, I still need ideas, as the entry's due March 18th. I'll post a link here once it's finished.

Besides that, not much is new. I got several new userpics, which is good. Last night I babysat for the Mayos, who are wonderful, wonderful people. They're like cool teenage fangeeks who never grew up, but they're so nice! They went to Dragon*Con last year, and remembering that I loved Firefly and Serenity, they got me a Southeastern Browncoats button there. I adore it. Anyways, I spent the night playing on the Wii with the two boys, and dueling with plastic lightsabers. Unfortunately, the latter left me with a jammed finger, which is making piano-playing hard. Hopefully it'll go away soon.

Well, I'm off to write my paper. Till later!

ramblings, birthdays

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