Still alive, I promise!

Oct 30, 2013 14:14

I've really gotta be more consistent with updating this thing, I swear. Between Tumblr, travel, class projects, and all the various and sundry strangeness that comes along with senior year, I've been way less consistent with the whole longer-form blogging thing than intended. But! In two days, wrisomifu starts up again, so I'll actually have an excuse to hang around this neck of the woods again. Pretty excited, actually: I'm working on a bunch of creative nonfiction, converting some Pacific Rim headcanons to actual fic, and poking with renewed enthusiasm at my sci-fi sandbox universe. Space Captain actually has a proper name and personality now and there are flickers of what might be a plot emerging from this mess of questionable xenobiology, so we'll see where November takes it.

Some adventures I've had lately:

+ Took the GRE on Monday, which was exhausting but not nearly as awful as I'd feared. Did exactly as well as I'd predicted I would, and probably will not have to take it again, which is pretty great. The most miserable part was waking up before 6 to drive an hour away to a testing center in the middle of nowhere, honestly. My friends are basically running a GRE shuttle service for those of us who don't have cars and totally deserve, as my German grandmother would say, an extra gold star on their crown in heaven. In the absence of gold stars, I've repaid them in gas money and Cookout milkshakes. It works out.

+ Had last01standing come visit for a weekend, which is always an excellent time. We climbed a mountain in some fog straight out of a zombie movie, found a super-neat underground bar, and went rollerblading and mostly managed to avoid those tiny super-fast children on skates who are more of a hazard than the green shells in Mario Kart.

+ Went to a Nine Inch Nails concert in DC, which deserves its own entry and will probably get one. I have a long, long history with NIN -- I've loved them for the better part of a decade now, which is pretty wild. (The Hand That Feeds was the first song I ever downloaded from iTunes back in early middle school. While I never went through a full-blown goth/punk/black-clothing-and-rebellion phase, it was a very near miss.) The show was spectacular, I sang myself hoarse, and had a really good time in general with my two friends. Trent Reznor is much healthier and more emotionally stable these days, and while I think a number of folks didn't really know how to respond to NIN sounding faintly hopeful these days, I am really glad he's doing okay, and the actual quality of the music remains fantastic. (I'm working on a little narrative about all this that you might see in a bit. Stay tuned.)

Life carries on, but now I've gotta get to class. I'll be around!

my life is a magical adventure

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