In which I launch headfirst into old-school LJ traditions

Aug 19, 2013 16:22

Okay, has anybody here done a Big Bang before? Because I am seriously considering signing up as an artist for the Pacific Rim one but have no idea what I might be getting myself into.


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draycevixen August 20 2013, 01:20:38 UTC

Well, you'd need to check the rules governing the specific BB you're signing up for as they're often slightly different in the way they set things up but I think the way we do it over at Box of Tricks is pretty typical.

The writer completes a rough draft of a certain length (the whole edited story is not due at the time the artists choose a story) and also turns in a summary of their story. The summaries are then posted up anonymously and the artists make their choices (ours pick 4 they might be interested in by order of preference). The stories are then assigned on a first come first served basis.

I know you didn't ask any of that but I thought it might be helpful as set up. *g* We then send out, all at one time, e-mails to the writers letting them know who their artist is and their contact e-mail and vice versa. We also attach a copy of the rough draft the writer turned in to the artist's email.

From there, the writer and artist usually communicate as much or as little as they'd like. Pros is a small fandom and in our case a lot of friendships have formed from these interactions with writer and artist working closely together and writer's letting artists in on stuff perhaps not revealed to anyone else about the finished story. I have heard tales from other fandoms of writers really failing to communicate with their artists beyond their having a copy of the rough draft but I think that's a pretty rare occurrence as most writers are chuffed to have art for their stories.


starfoozle August 20 2013, 01:54:40 UTC
All good to know! Signups don't start for another few weeks on this one, but I think I'm gonna do it. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. :D


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