(no subject)

Oct 08, 2012 03:49

This weekend I actually wrote a short piece of original fic(!), worked on a whoooole bunch of worldbuilding for my self-aware space opera thing, did my homework, sent all necessary emails, and worked on Halloween costumes for everyone. Productivity's an excellent feeling.

Said costuming has resulted in the video game Deux Ex becoming somewhat of an auxillary fandom of mine overnight. I spent quite a while today sifting through glorious concept art in an effort to turn my metalbender friend into the game's cyborg protagonist, and man, it's really cool. I've got a soft spot for anything set in Detroit, and that plus all kinds of cyberpunk goodness is exactly my cup of tea.

I've amassed an amusing amount of these auxillary fandoms and need to come up with a better term for them -- you know, the shows or books or movies you don't actually keep up with yourself but enjoy seeing on your flist or dashboard or crossed over with fandoms you're active in. I'm this way with Supernatural, Farscape, and a whole bunch of video games -- the work the fandom produces is spectacular but I've got no particular motivation to get directly involved. It's kinda fun.


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