Varmints and such

Aug 08, 2012 21:39

Went out to water the tomatoes earlier and ran into the pair of raccoons who live under our deck. I was pleased to see that they were looking so healthy (they're fat as anything and their coats are really thick and lovely, so they're obviously benefitting from the diet of OUR APPLES AND TOMATOES) but at the same time I really wish the bastards would go away.

Dad has worked himself into a froth again and so I'll be on trap duty for the next several days. We've got a Havaheart live trap, so the animals won't get hurt, but the last thing I want them to do is roast out in the hot sun unattended all day.

I routinely feel like a Bad Wildlife Person for our ongoing catch-and-relocate program. I'm more than happy to share the yard with whatever wanders in, as long as it's not gonna be an active threat, but my dad isn't having it. So instead we've deported seven or eight critters of various species to the woods across the highway.

Technically speaking, we shouldn't be doing this. It's Ohio policy to release trapped animals exactly where you caught them or humanely kill them. The first option defeats the purpose and I couldn't have the second on my conscience. Can't call Animal Control for the same reasons: they'd have to kill anything they caught. Relocation isn't a great option either, really -- dropping an animal off in unfamiliar territory is detrimental to its well-being for a number of reasons. But at least they get a chance this way.

I should know better. I'm in wildlife science. But better isn't pleasant at all, all things considered.


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