Public Service Announcement

Jan 25, 2012 17:30

Hello. Asexuality exists.

It's been kind of a crappy week for aces in media. Between Moffat's poorly-thought-out comments regarding Sherlock via Twitter, the House brain-tumor-or-lies debacle, and now Tim Gunn catching all kinds of flak for being celibate (which is not the same thing as asexuality but gets many of the same unexpectedly nasty responses from the general public), I am really, really tired of this idiocy.

For the record, asexual people do exist, and it's not a "condition" that's caused by brain tumors or sociopathy or emotional scarring. The media may get their definitions wrong on a regular basis or insist that it isn’t actually a thing, but as somebody who identifies as ace, I can tell you that it is.

I’m usually pretty - well, stealth isn’t exactly the right word. Low-key, perhaps? - about being ace. I don’t really run around announcing my orientation to the world at large, as I figure it’s really nobody’s business but my own. But all this nonsense and misinformation floating about recently has made me want to get a little more vocal, if only to stop people from pathologizing an entire community because of what they saw on a TV show. If you have any questions or wanna talk about this, ask away.

life-stuff, cranky bastard alert

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