Stolen from Raikune, because I wish to procrastinate.

Jan 23, 2012 20:27

Give me a fandom, and I'll tell you:

❤ favorite female character:
❤ favorite male character:
✖ least favorite:
✔ who resembles me:
❤ most attractive:
❤ three more characters that I like:

(Current fandoms are Person of Interest, BBC's Sherlock, LOST, The Mentalist, The Dark Tower, Life on Mars, and about a billion others that I can't think of off the top ( Read more... )

meme, fandom

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Comments 20

lostsailors January 24 2012, 01:36:31 UTC
LOST of course!

If you're bored I guess Dark Tower, but I didn't finish the last two books!


starfoozle January 24 2012, 03:21:50 UTC
Excellent! Okay, here's LOST:

favorite female character: Juliet Burke is one of my great fictional loves. I also adore both Rousseaus.
favorite male character: Ben and Locke. I have a lot of feelings about both of them, as you undoubtedly know. Oh, and MIB, because he is my spirit animal.
least favorite: That Zoe chick. Kate. And Jacob and Keamy because they are dicks.
who resembles me: Oh goodness, nobody, really. Maybe Faraday, because he is a skinny mop-haired nerd-thing.
most attractive: ~RICARDO.~ I miss his glorious lashes gracing my screen.
three more characters that I like: LAPIDUS. Hurley. Mr. Eko.

I'll skip DT for now as some of my answers would be serious spoilers. For now I'll just say that I have a really dubious amount of affection for Randall Flagg, and Jake is my favorite kid in all of fiction, because most of my favorites really show up in the last two books. Which you should read, because they're awesome.


raikune January 24 2012, 02:07:50 UTC


starfoozle January 24 2012, 03:30:57 UTC
favorite female character: Molly. Poor kid. She's endearingly awkward but really a lovely and competent person underneath.
favorite male character: ALL HAIL JIM MORIARTY, KING OF FABULOUSLY CAMP SOCIOPATHY. I can't even deal with him. He's perfection and I now with to write all the fic with him messing with Sherlock's head.
least favorite: Anderson, because Anderson. Or that horrid reporter Kitty.
who resembles me: Nobody, at least physically. I suppose John and I dress very similarly, atrocious woolly sweaters and all.
most attractive: Sherlock is just gorgeous. It's an alien kind of beauty (and it reads as beauty rather than attractiveness) but I love it. Also he has the greatest speaking voice of any human ever.
three more characters that I like: Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson. I'll tentatively add Irene Adler, because I didn't care for how she was written half the time, but she was still pretty badass.


raikune January 25 2012, 21:18:48 UTC
unf I like Benedict's voice too. I wish i was a dude so I could have a voice like him ;-; oh lol I like Lestrade too, he always has this "oh gawd it's sherlock again" look on his face.


last01standing January 24 2012, 02:10:46 UTC
LIFE ON MAAAAAARS (LOM and Sherlock appear to be the only two fandoms we share? Is that right? That doesn't seem right.)

(alternately, Doctor Who)


starfoozle January 24 2012, 03:08:31 UTC
Haha, that's not right at all! I completely forgot Doctor Who (how could I?) and the countless bad action movies which we both enjoy have to count for something. *grins*

I'll do both, as I am terribly uninterested in writing speeches right now.


favorite female character: Annie, because she is a badass and the only competent one around. I do love her.
favorite male character: My irrational affection for Gene Hunt knows no bounds, in spite of being an overweight, over-the-hill, nicotine-stained, borderline alcoholic homophobe with a superiority complex and an unhealthy obsession with male bonding. Oh, yes, and Sam, of course, because Sam is precious.
who resembles me: Er, Annie? Insofar as we both wear vests on a regular basis?
most attractive: Sam is definitely the prettiest. I...suppose Gene could be considered attractive because he is so weirdly charismatic. I dunno, I think I have problems.
three more characters that I like: Nelson and Chris. I suppose I'll grudgingly ( ... )


draycevixen January 24 2012, 04:10:26 UTC

My favourite female character is Phyllis. She sneaks in to my stories all the time... Or Tina. Erm... I may have given the Cortina a sex life.

Other than that, yes to all. :D


starfoozle January 24 2012, 04:35:33 UTC
Erm... I may have given the Cortina a sex life.


It is people like you who make fandom a terrifyingly crack-tastic place, my friend. *laughs* I'm...baffled by the logistics of that statement, and somehow suspect it may be wiser not to ask. :P

Phyllis rocks. I may have to go be nosy and read some of your fic now. :D


draycevixen January 24 2012, 04:08:54 UTC

Life on Mars has already been taken so I'll go for Person of Interest. *g*


starfoozle January 24 2012, 04:29:25 UTC
favorite female character: Carter. Didn't care for her at first, but she's really grown on me over the last few episodes.
favorite male character: Fiiiiiiinch. Anybody played by Michael Emerson sort of becomes my favorite by default, but Harold with his beautiful suits and snark and sencha green tea is just wonderful.
least favorite: Mark Snow. Ugh.
who resembles me: Pff, absolutely no idea.
most attractive: Reese. Nice-looking, well-dressed and ruthlessly efficient is always a winning combo in my book.
three more characters that I like: Fuscooooo. He's like an adorable grumpy bulldog. And Ingram and Elias because I want to know more about them.


draycevixen January 24 2012, 04:35:32 UTC

Nice choices again.

I love Finch. I appreciate a well turned ankle as much as the next Victorian does, but intelligence? It's my biggest kink.

I also have a huge competency kink so that's Reese in the picture too.


starfoozle January 24 2012, 04:45:17 UTC
Intelligence and competence are the keys to my oddly-programmed heart, it's true. *high-five*

Also loving the icon. :D


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