Because I've seen this meme going around and it looks fun:

Dec 23, 2010 00:03

Behold the contents of my purse laid out in a surprisingly organized manner. Okay, so I took the liberty of throwing away the Chipotle receipts that had been floating around in there, this is otherwise an accurate depiction of what I carry with me on a regular basis. Two books are a little unusual, too, but I was using this bag as a carry-on for the drive back to Ohio last week and hadn't bothered to take them out.

From the left, in a somewhat clockwise direction: Phone, lipgloss, Swiss army knife, wallet, Tony the iPod, “She’s Such A Geek: Women Write about Science, Technology and Other Nerdy Stuff” (awesome book, btw), "Fight Club", sketchbook with Little Blue Book Of Lists, two Kasugai mango gummies, metal pillbox full of emergency ibuprofen, mint gum and chapstick perched on top of it. And a crappy red #2 pencil.

Believe it or not, all of this fits quite comfortably into that yellow bag. I love that thing. Much like the TARDIS, it is apparently bigger on the inside.

Completely unrelated to any of this, happy birthday to charmisjess . Your padawan loves you. <3

meme, picspam, birthdays

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